Thursday, January 7, 2016

How I Make $77 a Month Working about 10 Minutes a Week from Home

Right before Christmas we went to Fulshear’s Christmas Festival. We signed up at the All State stand's raffle for a free Kindle Fire.  We won!! That was a nice surprise.  

Now on with today's post. 
Our goal is for me to work a couple of hours a day at the most to bring in $1000 a month working from home. I would like to work as little as possible so I figured getting paid to do things I already do would be a good place to start. 

Santander Bank - $20 (this promotion ended for new accounts)

Santander Bank had an offer where you earn $10 a month to make two automatic bill pay payments. Since I do this already I set up an account. Santander also gives you $10 a month if you direct deposit $750 twice a month. We do this already as well. I've not been charged any fees so far. 

There isn't a local branch of Santander Bank in my area so everything was done over the phone and internet, which took about four months to set up. It was a very confusing and aggravating process. They were very polite but the representatives I spoke with were not knowledgeable. Their website is not the most user friendly but it's not as bad as others I've seen.  The aggravation was worth it though. For four months now I've received $20 a month. 
I wish I had kept track of the time it took to set up the account and to set up the direct deposit and automatic bill pay. Maybe six hours total?

I've had bad experiences with banks in the past so I'm not quite ready to trust them completely yet although I've had no problems with them after the account was set up. They've reliably paid $20 each month at the beginning of the month. No gimmicky waiting till the end of the month to get paid. 

But since I'm not ready to switch all of our banking to Santander, I forward the $20 and each $750 deposit to our credit union. That takes about five minutes a month. I'm to the point where I almost trust them enough to set up automatically transferring the money but I'm not quite there yet. Once that happens I'll be at one minute a month to check to make sure everything is kopasetic. (I heard this word in an old episode of Simon and Simon the other day. I hadn't heard that word in forever.)

I called to see if Mr. NaD could get his own account and was told they no longer offer this promotion. I'm glad I didn't put off getting the account!

So for now I'm earning $20 for 5 mins of work a month using Santander Bank.  

Citi Bank Rewards Card - $52

We have a Citi double cash back card. It pays 1% when we make a purchase and 1% when we pay the card. We use the card for everything. I'm sure unexpected expenses will pop up but for now I only project making 2% on normal monthly expenses. 

This was a painless process to set up. It was time consuming, though, to switch everything over. 

We pay our bills monthly. We front load the credit card to keep ourselves out of trouble. Meaning on the 1st of each month we send the money to the Citi credit card for our normal bills. Then as the month progresses we spend down the credit.

Before we began using the credit card, on the 1st of every month I had automatically transferred our bill money to another account. So sending the money to the Citi card is no different from sending the same money to the account I was using before. I'm not increasing my workload. 

It does take about 2 minutes to redeem the rewards. 

We are earning $52 for 2 minutes of extra work a month using a 2% rewards card.

Bing Searches - $10

A week or so ago Mr. NaD and I each downloaded the Bing app to get paid for searches. This was also a painless process. After downloading it we discovered you can click on the daily points. This takes about one minute a day. We already do web searches a day so the searching itself is not additional work. 

We are earning $10 total, or $5 each, for 30 minutes of extra work for me each a month.
Grand Total:  $82 a month or $984 a year

I prefer not to work more than 10 hours a week. So far I'm well under that amount: 

                                                Weekly Time Spent

    1.15 mins a week (5 mins a month x 12 months / 52 weeks) Santander
      .46 mins a week (2 mins a month x 12 months / 52 weeks) Citi Bank rewards card
    7.00 mins a week (1 mins a day x 7 days a week) Bing
    8.61 mins a week earning $77 a month.  

                                            Hourly Wage $115 an hour 

         $82-$5= $77 a month x 12 months / 52 weeks = $16.6154 a week. 
        $16.6154 earnings / 8.61 minutes of work = $1.93 a minute x 60 mins = $115.79 an hour

I'm not positive on the math of the hourly wage, but if it's correct, no way do I take home this much money right now.  

The above calculation excludes the money Mr. NaD makes through Bing as I'm keeping track of my hourly wage. For purposes of our accounting though, his earnings are categorized under my side gig heading. Nice how that works!

Not a bad start. I don't expect it to be so easy from this point on though. I just need to find more venues like the above. Any suggestions?

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